My Journey...

Since my early childhood years I have always had a strong natural intuition that allows me to easily see, feel, hear and read energies.

A successful but unsatisfactory international corporate marketing career left me feeling unfulfilled and empty inside. I longed to live life more fully, with more joy and to understand my reality and purpose. Exploring this longing has led me to my heart mission – to share my rediscovered unique gift to support others in opening their hearts again, finding their own truth and living a balanced, empowered life.

I believe to live a purposeful, authentic and powerful life, filled with inspiration, is not about fitting in, being perfect or always feeling happy but about showing up in the world in your truth, open heartedly and shining your unique, beautiful light.

My journey to living open-heartedly and in my own truth started, as you might have guessed, with a closed heart. At a young age I experienced serious panic attacks and anxiety. I was still trying to fit into someone else’s standards. I was in need of “spiritual surgery”.

In my early 20s the journey of self-inquiry started . Going to and from Switzerland – my home country - between my travels and working in different Marketing positions, my search took me to Australia, New Zealand, several countries in Central and South America and for 2 years to South Africa and to many alternative healers and I got to know various alternative healing methods on the way.


In 2012, I decided to travel to India to deepen my knowledge of Asthanga Yoga. My planned 1 month became 2.5 years. While living in India, I studied at the Shri K. Pattabhi Jois Institute in Mysore with Sharath Jois. During this time I also took part in an incredible pilgrimage to Egypt that opened my heart again and helped me to reconnect with my own vulnerability. The time in India allowed me to learn more about myself, feel my truth, find joy, belonging, peace, and to come an acceptance and understanding of my highly intuitive and psychic nature.

Since then I have been sharing my unique gift, experiences, modalities and the tools that I have found effective and supportive in my own journey, to make a difference on this planet in the best way I possibly can and help people find their balance and joy in life again.

After leaving India I moved to Australia. During 3 years in Sydney I acquired more knowledge and skills to support my clients with different integrated modalities as I worked from my home clinic.

As a natural Intuitive I see, feel, hear and read energies. I recognise many systems in energy matter, and apply this knowledge to health, relationships, spiritual paths, potential and current life direction. I have been continuously supporting people around the world to enhance their energy awareness, expansion, growth and creativity. Seeing how my little contribution has assisted people to live an open-hearted, self-empowered, joyful and authentic life, sharing their natural beauty and unique gifts to the world in their own truth, gives me immense joy and a feelings of deep gratitude for my life.

I'm currently based in Switzerland, but travel regulary to different countries around the world to share my work.

The past years I have been learning and developing a number of disciplines which have led me to build the skills and experience to support others. My qualifications include:

  • Energy Mentoring School with Lynette Arkadie, Sydney, Australia, 2015-2018
    A powerful program that has supported me to dive deeper, enhance my energy awareness and to develop and hone my skills as a facilitator and Energy Therapist.

  • Accredited Children Yoga Teacher, Rainbow Yoga, Zurich, Switzerland, 2017
    A wonderful gift to support children and teenagers with the transformative and supportive tool of Yoga that brings so much joy.

  • Ashtanga Yoga Assistance at Ashtanga YogaMoves, Sydney, Australia, 2015-2017
    I’m feeling very grateful I have had the opportunity to deepen my own practice and my understanding and skills as an Ashtanga Yoga Teacher, as a student and an assistant of certified teacher Eileen Hall.

  • Diploma in ‘Holistic Kinesiology and Body Mind Medicine,College of Complementary Medicine, Sydney, Australia, 2014-2015
    A powerful tool that I integrate in therapy sessions to support clients on all levels of body, mind and soul to increase the understanding of how intimately our different layers are connected.

  • Authorised Ashtanga Yoga teacher Level I by the Shri K. Pattabhi Jois Institute in Mysore, India, 2014
    Official authorisation to teach Ashtanga Yoga Mysore.

  • Certified and internationally registered Magnified Healer/Master Teacher Phase 1, Mysore, India, 2012
    The first Energy Healing modality that I learned during my time in India.

  • Certified and internationally registered Angelic Reiki Master Teacher, Mysore, India, 2013
    A powerful Energy Healing modality, working with the Angelic Realm.


Qualifications before following my heart mission:

  • PGCE – Diploma Foreign Language Tuition for Adults, Arbeitskreis DaF – AkDaF, Switzerland, Zurich, 2009-2010
    After leaving Marketing and before going to India, I taught German for 2 years in various Language Institutions and Companies.

  • Certificate in Social Studies BMS, Winterthur,
    Switzerland, 2005-2006

  • Commercial Federal Diploma of Business, BMS, Weinfelden, Switzerland, 1995-1998